Friday, June 4, 2010

Gonna miss you guys terribly! ♥

*sob sob*

I hope time can stop! dun ever move again...........................................
SJK(C) damansara full of our memories..........I gonna miss d school terribly too ):
sad sad sad!!!!!
I don't wish to graduate for primary.I wish we can stay together 4ever!!!
espeacially you guys:
Harold,Christy,Phoebe,Jesslyn,Ying Qin,Jing Hui,Eunice,Shi Fui. ):
reli dun wanna leave you guys!
but,wad can I do ? *sob sob*
I'm going to d same school wif phoebe,ying qin and Eunice (: meet you guys there! (BU3)

:(,sue en.
*sob sob*


  1. ya,went u go there,u surely help ying qin n eunice to tell wen jian 'bout me 1......*sobsob*

  2. the above comment should be from jesslyn, but how come my pic. is there???

    Anyway, u sure or not??? or is it jz kai wan xiao???

    To sueen,from eunice

  3. yea! 100% comfirm :)

    from: sue en
    to :eunice

  4. eunice, cuz u put ur pic on the 6u profile. so, everytime someone comment, it will become u

  5. excuse me, where is my name??? Do u noe how to write the word 'die'!?
