Monday, June 28, 2010

hello =)




Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Halo,Iam Phoebe Teh =))
I just wanna say :
I don't want to do it :'(
Damn hate to do project.
Haix~~~ sumthing la..damn bored weihh x(

Hello,sue en here. I'm juz trying to post sumthing. I'm too bored XD ;PP

Bffz(top 10 :PP) -
1)Harold Ting Zong Qin....The perasan 1 xD ( jk jk,handsome 1 larh )
2)Christy Goh Chy Shang....The cute 1 ((:
3)Phoebe Teh Pik Yu...The sot sot 1 XD (dun be mad ya. juz jk )
4)Sammie yap ....The pretty 1 (:
5)Jesslyn Ch'ng ....Hmm,the tall 1 ?
6)Lim Tong Shen...The kind 1 -.-"
7)Esther yap...The pretty 1 too xD
8) Jing Hui Wie...The nice 1 (:
9) Ying Qin Chai..The joker !!!
10)Khor Xin Wei....The one who love Justin Bieber !! ^5
Blek,they are my bestiessss :PPPP No offence, they are awesome! :DD
anywayz,as u knw,6u rocks (:
xoxo,sue en.

Monday, June 14, 2010

pls help me

hi i'm xin wei, remember i did not come to school last friday, i forgot to 抄thursday‘s家课. Could anyone pls comment on this post and tell me what is the hw on thursday? pretty pretty pls....(:

thank you so much :)

did u guys started the 政府project?
i forget about it till today,
have no idea to make it,
nothing to say already,
wish all of u have a happy holiday ;D

-xin wei-

Sunday, June 13, 2010

whos the prettiest girl in class

Sue en- i think u nid to kill me already XD

sue en and christy, i think u guys are the preeeeettiest girl in class
why don't u guys admit it but want me to admit it
i'm just a normal girl in class.

everyone in class,
if u think that sue en and christy is the prettiest girl in class
pls comment on this post! thx XP

btw, can i pls know who post that "6u class prettiest girls" ?

-xin wei-

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6U class prettiest girls

Hey,Do you want to know our class prettiest girls?
If you want to know,then lets take a look!?

Our class prettiest girls is :

Christy Goh
Samantha Yap
Chelsea Chin
Khor Xin Wei
Teh Pik Yu
Chong Sue En
Esther Yap

Above is the prettiest girls in 6U.
By:Someone That Is Cool In 6U (Haha)
I am so *PERASAN*!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Have A Happy Holiday Guys!

Hey guys,
I feel like long time didn't post anything on this blog already,
so now I'm going to post something.
Guys, holiday is finally reach!
We doesn't need to wake up so early for school and doesn't need to face to our HOMEWORK all the time anymore!
Summore this holiday we got less homework,
its such a happy thing.

So, Hope everybody has a happy holiday!
Have a blast ya! ;)

Christy the dwarf =P

Hey,people (:

Hmm,guess wad? Xin Wei,u are d prettiest and hottest in our class! admit it (:
Aw,if u admit it,hv no prize xD.If u don't admit me,I'll kill you. ( jk jk xD)
okay,now.I'm just bored. lols :DD
harold,u are A gay. even jun hui u also want..aiyuuuu,married jag liao den dun kacao jun hui larhx( dun xiang wai,ppl) hahahahahhaha....ok ok. chill (:
Err,seriously nothing to say oredi.
Happy Holidays,6u-ians (:
xoxo,sue en

Thursday, June 10, 2010

harold gay!

hahahaha! the funniest day ever! harold 求婚 to jun hui! hehe... 胡老师,每个人都笑到爆炸!


Sorry Christy

Don't know what to write.....
Just wanna drop by and say hello......
And i wanna say.....
Sorry Christy.....
For leaving you alone at the Domino......
Really sorry........

From:Pik Pik (Phoebe Teh)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 blog....

I got a blog......

From:Pik Pik (u noe who am i rite???) :]

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Looking For New Members(pls give an opinion)

A few of u guys fr 6u shld know tat there is a 'rabbit' society in our class, right?
Abt the society: owner-jesslyn
rabbits-huei ching, shi fui, sue en, me(eunice) n kang thye......
we nd some opinions on which BOY looks like a rabbit in 6u. if v dont find one, kt wl be lonely......pls leave yr comment/opinion. This is coz I wan 2 take a full pic wit the whole society on this yr's children's day if we can...... if no other boys, kt sure dont want.

From: EUNICE^^
Thx again ya.

我想祝6U班的同学Good luck in UPSR。。。。

尤其是Sue En,Harold,Samantha,Chelsea,Christy,Jesslyn,Eunice,Chiu Kheng,Shi Fui........

From:璧璧Pik Pik

Friday, June 4, 2010

sick,sick,sick n guess wat,sick

body temperature suddenly shoot up to 38.9'c after waking up at 8.45p.m..........went to see the doctor.........went 4 lung treatment too..................10 tablets per day...yuck..........i so clever than i noe how to choose a day after exam to be sick so i dun need to take my result.:P........

Ming Ming

Gonna miss you guys terribly! ♥

*sob sob*

I hope time can stop! dun ever move again...........................................
SJK(C) damansara full of our memories..........I gonna miss d school terribly too ):
sad sad sad!!!!!
I don't wish to graduate for primary.I wish we can stay together 4ever!!!
espeacially you guys:
Harold,Christy,Phoebe,Jesslyn,Ying Qin,Jing Hui,Eunice,Shi Fui. ):
reli dun wanna leave you guys!
but,wad can I do ? *sob sob*
I'm going to d same school wif phoebe,ying qin and Eunice (: meet you guys there! (BU3)

:(,sue en.
*sob sob*

stupid trial,bye! we won't miss you (:

the stupid trial finally over yay!
but,worry for the result ya? dun worry,buddy! its just an exam (:

Hmmm,wats next?
Ohh,damn! I get 85 for my pemahaman(BC).wth -.-" I tot I can get higher than zhang yan weihh.
nvm,at least I win Tong Shen (: he had a bet wif me. nothing ard.

Meen Yie:
okay,I knew that u was take care ya (: hope you get well soon (:

and and and,pity Eunice btw. xD

xoxo,Sue En.



bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao * bu yao jiao ao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bad Luck Returns Again

My bc.pem 75 only =( ...... If got bonus is 77.5, still B eh...... that harold...... so jiao ao...... jz bcoz he win me by ONE subject......somemore my science...... nd 1 more question to get A eh...... maths oso 1 more question to get 100!

REAL BAD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

my 2nd wish

Hello again......
I wish that time will go faster so that trial exam and upsr faster over...... then we don't nd to work SOOOO hard for SOOOO long......but after that, i wish time will slow down..... then we can stay together longer..... coz i don't wish to graduate fr sad leh


SCARY trial exam finally over!!!


Hello everyone...... trial exam jz over and hard like killing me......maths 98.5, careless mistake for paper 1, didn't see pem. 85, beat zhang yan, news for science, 78 only eh, got B no A, xin wei and ying xin got A apparently...... english 40 per 40 for paper 1 but a little worried abt paper 2...... 2mrw hope to knw the rest of the marks...... espiecally bc pen. coz so damn difficult......

Anyway, gd luck to all of you, 6u's......