Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trial Exam :-s

Aw,Aw,Aw..trial-exam is coming soon..
Duhhh,english must score A! omg,I dun think I can score A :(
Anywayz,wish u guys good luck la ;)
XOXO,sue en
justin bieber's favourite colour (:


first time representing our school to the Bahasa Malaysia Syarahan 86 marks out of 100 marks.........

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sick today.

No school for me. Maybe tommorow I can go to school. I was sleeping almost the whole day. High fever, diarrhea,stomach pain, running nose, sore throat, and others . I need to take 10 tablets a time to feel better. And tommorow , no co-curriculum activities for me . And the saddest of them all , I can't kick football tommorow. And, so lucky ,there is only a few homework for me to do. Some more , I don't need to attend Cikgu Cheng's tution.
My stupid brother is the one who bring the virus back home. I feel like beating him up but I can't.

(Lim Jun Hui)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Football every monday. Cikgu Tor is not fair , he always help our opponet's team (tiang FC) . Thus ,sometimes we lose to some "people" in our class .

FROM : Jun Hui

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

pls leave a comment

hey, i'm xin wei.

i just wanted to ask do u guys thing the pic beside is nice? if it's not nice, pls leave a comment and i will delete it.

-xin wei-

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


HI, everyone,
I want u all to know my wish. I'm sure all of u know that i absolutely HATE IT when the CLASS is NOISY......(espiecally u, Harold Ting). I wish the class wl be less noisy from the time u guys see this post. I'm not expecting the class as quiet as no one is in the class......(anyway, that wouldn't happen). And pls respect ALL the teachers laa......(ESPIECALLY Madam Lee, 'Chen Lao Shi'-6B, 'Chen Lao Shi'-6C, 'Zhou Lao Shi', etc.).

P.S.(forfill my wish laa, i really HATE IT eh......)



HELLO^^ everyone, i finally started on this blog! Jz wanna say "HI!!!" to all of you!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

last call

to all 6u-ians........last call to write ur msg here to teacher lim 4 the teacher's day........

Friday, May 14, 2010

请问, 可以答我吗?

为什么, 我们明知道在做的是一件错事。


-xin wei-

Thursday, May 13, 2010

i hate it when someone fight

Why so many of my frens like to fight?????It doesn't feel good to to all 6u-ians,tis is the last yr pls dun fight.....

-ming ming-

Purple team rockz 4-ever

PURPLE TEAM ROCKZ 4EVER..........wish it will continue winning the marching prize trophy.........

justin bieber...

first, who wrote the justin bieber post?

just like the post said, justin bieber sounds gay doesn't means his gay!

btw, go to you tube, "justin bieber fever charlie"! damn funny! and "duet with myself charlie" also every nice XP.

thats all, see you guys! cya cya.

-xin wei-


Boyz so horrible....... They said Justin Bieber is GAY! I bet alot of girls in class who likes J.B. is upset too... :(
write bored thing...
Wanna "yu kau'' liao...
By :
I'm Chiu Kheng.
Damn happy man,
i get 3A and get 2B in exam.
I hate Sue En 100000000000000%
Why Pik Yu still wanted to friend her?
Please give some comments......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yes! yes! yes! yes!!!!!

hi guys! xin wei here.

christy and i get 98 marks in moral!!!!!! so happy :P but to bad moral didn't count in the exam...:'(

anyway, hope u guys can write ur names after writing the post or before....

so sad lah :'(
i saw the "ming dan" and saw my science marks is 92, but today teacher told me that i get 90 marks!!!! (crying)

Sad to graduate this year

Sad to graduate tis good if we could study in the same school 4-ever......haiz......however,to all my besties frens 4-ever ya!!!!dun 4get our frenship.....
lastly,good luck in UPSR.......

-Ming Ming-

Write down ur name please

Hey guys,
why those of your post also didnt write name wan?
I also dont know who is writing the post,
damn confuse who is writing the post larhh :S

So please guys,
please write down ur name in each of your single post PLEASE:)


math mark low

This was my first time getting b for my math.Usually i get 90 above but this time was different i got 79.5 i was so angry till i wanted to burn the paper in to ash.but i hope u guys can score a higher mark than me and i also wish that u guys can score a good mark for your moral test

wish u guys good luck

Ok Larh...................

Today was moral exam time,it was quite easy but the "hui da wen ti" damn hard,just like what xin wei said,hope is still can get A:)

My kajian tempatan got 72 ,to me,its good,because last time i always get 20 over to 60 over,so....,quite happy loooooo,haha;)
My sivic got 89 marks,not bad,but im quite frustrated because i was 1 point away from 90,all because of the project loo,got damn low marks.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So happy!

yes! i finally know my marks of "地方研究"! i get 94 marks!!!! yeepy! but zhang yan also 94...:'(

so happy! i get 100 marks in"公民教育"! but i still wanna cry lah....why "公民教育" didn't 算分one?!

"道德"seems to look easy but the 回答问题 very hard! hope i can still get 90 marks above lah....:)

Exam is finished ~:P

Hey all, Christy here again~ :P
This time's exam is finally finish,
but I felt so sad,
coz i lov3 exam so damn much :(

Since today,
we must listen for the lesson everyday and never have time to do homework anymore :'(

saw xin wei's post?
She get so high marks in every single of the subject this time,
I didnt even beat her in any single of subject, kinda sad :(

But must be happy all the way,
coz at least I only lose zu yan in two subject,
I beat him in maths and kt :P
Still haven't announced moral's marks yet coz we just took this exam today :)
Hope I can beat him in moral too;)

That's all I wanna post today,
wish you has a good luck at trial-exam ya ;)


hi everyone, xin wei here! I get 94 marks on my maths! Felt happy and sad too.

Sad is because my sis scold me because she never get 94 marks before and she thinks that i'm clever and must have the same marks as her! don't forget i'm the dumb here...

Happy is that i finally beat jun hui in maths! but ZHANG YAN! angry....he get 97marks! it's like he knows everything....:'(

P.S:不要骄傲!!!(to zhang yan)


this is Chelsea~

like Harold and Samantha said..
tmrw's exam is gonna be like supa eassey:P

todays's sivik was easy too(:
hope will get 80 or above?

my maths got 79.5....
*sob sob*

thats all for my post today~*


Hey.wats up :DD

Heyy :)
Sue En math,urgh.geram!!!!! 79 marksss...gek seiii..haih :@
btw,I've learn my lesson dis time,Zzz
weel like sammie n harold said that 2moro exam is moral..juz take it easy ;)
hmm...ohh!!! Teacher's Day is cominggg :) so,wad u guys gonna gv teacher?
blek ;) nothing to say liao.

Bye'z ;)
Wish u guys good luck in exam ya ;) 6U rockx :DD

The Final Exam 2morro.. :P

Hey Peeps!
Sammie here.. Weel like Harold said, tomorrow's exam is Moral.. Most probably a piece of cake.. Anyway, this bloggie rockxx! I luv it so much!!! Dun really noe wad to write liao...
Kayz, gtg.. BYez
XOXO, Sammi3

Hey everyone:)

Hey guys!!!!
Im Harold,im the third to update this blog:)

It's exam time,we have already finish the science,math,and "gong ming" paper.
The science and gong ming was easy,but the math,not as easy as u think,i got a very low mark,haizzz,gonna kena marah by my mom .:(
This was the first time i got B for my english math,so........quite sad loh.
Tomorrow is moral,so i have prepared myself,hope i can get high marks:)

wish u guys have good results in exam:)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Haloha everybody

I'm the second one who upload this blog:P
Nothing to say......
wanna say what?

This blog's title is 6u class' story rite?
Then I wanna say: " The stupid bai ga dog beat me everyday!!!:@"
This useless and hopeless dog no use already wan larhh:@
Everyday only know to beat his owner.

Still got anything to say?

Then Byez ;)
Wish you guys good luck in the exam;)

Post by,

Sunday, May 9, 2010


hi! i'm xin wei! i hope u guys can write the things happen to 6u class. and i'll give u guys the password tomorrow. so, pls write something on this blog! :D

cya cya.